Me, Myself and I

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wow! It's been ages since I've updated my blog. Had been busy and also very lazy! Bad habit that I got. I do that with my emails, too. I procrastinate my replies and then I do an e-mail marathon! Haha...

Some days ago, I missed Pastor Malcom a lot. It's almost a year now since he passed away. Sometimes, I could still see myself in the past, when he was still with us and all the good times we had at church. Things just happened and we never know. He's such a good person but why something bad happened to him is something we can never know or figure out. Everything is in God's hands. Everything that happens, happens for a reason. I must admit that sometimes I just don't like God's reasons, but I still have to face them.

Pastor Andy resigned from pastoring our church for some health issues. Just these past few days, I kinda felt angry with God. I often asked Him, if He wants people to lead lost souls to Him, then why does He let things happen to hinder us. I really don't see any logic to it. So I tried to be disobedient to Him, but the more I ran away from Him, the more I got closer to Him. In some ways or the other, He told me what I was doing wasn't right. He's there with me and has never forsaken me and of course everything that is happening around me is still in His control. I think God's trying to teach me something His way. Is that how Christians grow?

Mommy and Papa are still not saved. I guess they can't just give up their traditions of doing 'bai bai'. Buddhists think they can go to heaven through good works, but as it is said in the Bible, accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the ONLY way to go to heaven. People might say, these things are just religion, all we need to do is live a good and conscious life. Well, being a Christian, we need to live a good and conscious life, too, but most importantly, we need to be forgiven of our sins and that can be done only by admitting we are sinners, believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day and then praying and asking Him to come into our hearts. This is so simple, yet a lot of people don't want to do this, instead they do all kinds of worship so that they would have a blessed life. This sometimes really frustrates me. If my parents would get saved, I'm telling you... I'll never be happier. My greatest desire is to see them get saved and a lot of other people, too. (Mom, if you're reading this, please don't feel offended or hurt. I love and respect you a lot and I'm telling you the truth and the fact. )


Blogger Carol said...

Sometimes I feel the same way...I don't always agree with the decisions God makes. But I know He knows best. It just hurts so much sometimes.

I will pray with you for your parent's salvation. Don't give up!

9:01 AM  

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