Me, Myself and I

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I landed in Taiwan on September 1, 2001. I was 18 years old then. I've been here for almost 5 years now and life now and then is really different. I graduated from high school in March in the same year and I got my confirmation of getting into the National Preuniversity for Oversees Chinese in June. My mother got busy arranging for my tickets, passport and bought the stuffs that I would be needing to bring here. Everyday just passed by as any ordinary day for me, till one fine night on August 31, 2001. My flight was scheduled to leave at 11:30 pm. My dad's last advice was "Study hard and don't play around. You're a grown up now and you have responsibilities." Before I left for the airport, mom told me not to cry at the airport because she'll start crying too. So we finished our tears at home. :P I never realized I was going to leave my home and when I got to the flight, then only did I realize I'm leaving my home, my family, my friends, everything I had in India, to pursue an unknown future. The flight was my first experience and I didn't know how to buckle my seat belt. Haha... It was kinda embarrasing asking the airhostess to help me but then I rather enjoyed the flight and getting myself in the Singaporean airport. I went with a group and we were all new to this place. We had a nice time running around looking for our gate. Haha...
My cousin sister came to see me at the airport. I stayed in her place for almost 2 weeks and then I was sent to the NUPS. I missed home so much. I was nervous before going to this school. I didn't know what it has in store for me. When I settled down, it was all new to me, the language, the people, the culture, the environment, almost everything. I hated the food here at first and I used to call home and cry and tell my mom about my ordeal. She always encouraged me and told me to be brave.
The life in NUPS is one I would never ever forget. Even though the studies there were really difficult (really difficult means I didn't know what I was studying), but life there was fun, exciting and memorable too. I met people from a lot of different countries. In fact, the good friends I made there were from Macau, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, Indonesia. The teachers were really kind and caring. I never knew teachers would be so caring till I spent one year in this school. My lifestyle in this school was kinda scheduled everyday. We just obeyed rules and rules. After one memorable year there, I graduated and was admitted to National Chung Hsing University, the college I'm attending right now. I'm a senior now. Wow! Time goes by so fast. I still remember my freshman year, trying to get used to the place. I actually love it here now.
I met some pretty good friends here--Elizabeth Lee (from Brazil), Anita Yu (from Ecuador), Teddy (from Bolivia, also whom I met at NUPS), Bella (from Taiwan). These friends made my life here easier, didn't make me feel home sick as much as before. I was never happier till one day Anita took me to a church and ever since I've been attending this church. It's called Dali Faith Baptist Church. I love being a member of this church. It's so different from my home church. I'm not comparing but I feel there's so much warmth, love, caring and happiness in this church. Pastor Malcom and Mom Carol have shown everyone their love and care. I'm happy to be a member of this church and I'm glad to be given a chance to serve here, too.
Life in Taiwan hadn't always been smooth. If it weren't for God, who answered my prayers and met my needs, I wouldn't have been able to face all my problems. I trust in the Lord to meet all my needs. It's not that God always answers all my prayers. He knows what's best for me. I know He will be with me always.
Now. I'm again at the end of another cross road. I'm going to graduate from college soon and I still am not sure what I'm supposed to do--find a full time job or pursue my Masters. I do wish and want to stay here. I love my freedom, my life here. Even though I miss my parents, I still want to be here, earn a living, make my parents proud. Then again, I know I should work hard and at the same time, put my trust in the Lord. He'll guide me and show me the right path. Like in Proverbs 3:5-6, it says "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths." Anita sent me this verse, too when she gave me an early graduation congratulations.
So let's see what my future has in store for me. I'm sure it's already been planned by Him.


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